Saturday, December 6, 2008

Panj Bania

Two days ago, I downloaded a track from Mr Sikhnet. It was sang by Chardi Kala Jatha (CKJ) during the summer solstice 2008. Upon hearing this track, I felt the power of this shabad which was written by Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Jaap Sahib. It was the last 2 lines of Jaap Sahib.

chatr cheker varti chatr cheker boghetay, suyengbhev subhang serbeda serb jugetay,
dukaleng pernasi deyaleng serupay, seda ang senggay abhenggeng bebutay.

Its tune is just facinating, as it is easy to follow. I've done meditation while listening to this simran, and believe me, its not the same. The power in Jaap Sahib is just a miracle. I do not have the vocabulary to express my myself on this state of meditation.

Once I heard a katha from Gurdwara Sis Gunj Sahib(at least around 90% of the katha I don't understand; my punjabi sucks that's why), I came to know that the meaning of doing the Panj Bania in the morning. Hopefully I didn't miss understand what the Giani said. I recalled he said tht Japji Sahib is a bhagti, Jaap Sahib is a shakti, Thav Persad Sewaiye is Persad, Benti Choupi is benti, and Anand Sahib is anand.

For now, I still do not understand this fully, however I noticed that Anand Sahib is placed at the last. In my opinion(don't know whether this is right or not), Anand Sahib is placed the last in the sequence because Anand Sahib will bring us to the state of Anand(bliss). However, I am not sure. Since I am going for semelan this year, I'll try to get answers there.

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